Organization, Authority, and Programs of State Fish and Wildlife Agencies

The shape of North American agencies and how they shape the conservation landscape


1. Register / Create an Account

Watch this how-to video

Access is restricted to state fish and wildlife agency staff. However, anyone serving with a state fish and wildlife agency may create an account and edit their respective agency profile.

Complete registration form

This information is required to create an account:

  • Email 
    This must be a state fish and wildlife agency email. Personal and non-government agency accounts are not accepted.
  • Full name 
    Your name will be displayed in context with any profile components you add or modify.
  • Your job title (role with your agency)
  • Phone 
    Your phone number will only be visible to WMI and system administrators. We may contact you if questions arise about your profile entries.

AGENCY STAFF ONLY - Register to create a new account

Check your email to confirm

You should receive an email to confirm your account. If an email doesn't arrive within a few minutes, check your junk/spam folder. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact us.

Set your password

When you click the account confirmation link in the email you receive, you will be asked to set a password for your Fish and Wildlife Agency Profiler account. Create a secure password that you are likely to remember. However, if you forget your password, you may reset it anytime.

2. Navigate to your agency's profile

Access agency profiles here. You will see a list of all agencies. If you are logged in, your agency should show an "Edit" button on the right side of the screen. Click the edit button to proceed to your agency edit form.

3. Complete each section

Watch how to use the fish and wildlife agency profiler

Answer the questions in each section. It is not likely that any single person in an agency will know the answers to all the profile questions. We recommend that agencies select as many appropriate staff as necessary to complete your profile. Each individual should have their own account.

Look for visual cues on the profile form that indicate the completion of each section and question.


*ONLY Available to North American state fish and wildlife agency staff

How to build (and update) your state agency profile

Each state fish and wildlife agency has exclusive access to build and update its own Fish and Wildlife Agency Profile. While the profile can be completed and maintained by one person, the wide range of topics and questions in the profile may require a few areas of expertise to complete. For most agencies, completing the profile is a small team effort. 

Get Started